Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weather woes, mountains, and cameras feels like forever since I've been online. Living in the mountains is very's like a time warp. Time goes very, very quickly and I forget that I haven't been online in a week, that I have no idea what's going on in the news, and that it's almost November. Almost November! I can't believe it.

Well, a couple interesting things have happened in the past week. The first is that, overnight, it got cold. The temperature literally dropped from around 85 to 60. On Saturday, I walked around wearing shorts and a tank top, and then on Sunday, I had to bundle up in sweatpants and a hoodie! I know that 60 isn't that's like jeans and sweatshirt weather. But we have no relief from it here. None of the houses have central heating, and most houses have open-air windows that don't close. We have open-air classrooms too. So I know that 60 isn't bad, but it's nice to be able to go inside, and we just don't have that option. "Inside" is still extremely breezy! So on Monday and Tuesday, all my little students were bundled up in hats, scarves, and gloves, and they never took them off all day! I slept in two hoodies and two pairs of sweatpants. Today, however, the temperature jumped back up. So, it's a weather roller coaster, which is fine...I just hope that I don't get sick.

The second interesting thing that happened, was that I fell down a mountain. The gym teacher at our school goes running most days in the mountains, so this week I decided that it might be fun to join him. Well, first of all... I learned during that experience that if you run a half marathon and then you don't run for a year, your body doesn't maintain that level of fitness you once had. I was dying! But oh well. So we ran up part of the mountain (and when I say ran up a mountain, I mean impressed, because it's a mile and a half of just...up) and then we ran back down. And on the way down, of course, leave it to me...I tripped and fell. I really, really banged up my left leg. I was bleeding pretty profusely and had to pick quite a bit of gravel out of my skin. I'm lucky I didn't get hurt worse, but I fell on Sunday and today, Wednesday, it still hurts pretty badly when I stand up. My leg was super swollen on Sunday, but it's going down now.

My camera broke, too, so pictures on here might be limited. I don't really know what happened, but I'm really upset about it. A camera is a really important thing to have, I feel, during an experience like this. This weekend I'm going to the Mayan Ruins that are close to where we live, and we have our fiesta tipica coming up for our school, and I want to be able to take photos. I'm so sad about my camera.

So that's it! I guess I wrote about three negative things in this blog post, but I am having a blast, I love living in the mountains, life is amazing. :)

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