Thursday, October 15, 2009

2010 World Cup Qualifier!

Well, last night the Honduras soccer team secured a place in the 2010 World Cup. As a result of their win, school was canceled today! We received a call last night to let us know that the president went on the television and said that no one in the country has to go to work today, because today is a day for celebrations. I absolutely cannot imagine something like that happening in the United States. It's so awesome! So today we slept in (until 7:30) and then walked to town. I think I will go to the school for a couple hours to decorate my classroom. We have been required to put up Thanksgiving decorations by the end of this week.

Now just as a side note... I don't mind putting up some pictures of food or maybe a turkey, but I am not doing anything with pilgrims. Give me a break. It's bad enough that we're teaching these children from an American curriculum (which is, by the way, full of super patriotic American stuff, which always includes a Christian twist), but to talk about the "Pilgrims and Indians" story as if we were in the United States just seems like too much for me. I don't even think we should tell that story that way to American children! The patriotic American curriculum deserves a blog entry in and of itself. Maybe I'll type an excerpt from one of the books into this blog one of these days, just to prove my point.

Anyway, after decorating my classroom, I don't know what I'll do for the rest of the day! Maybe venture up into Celaque, the national park in my backyard. There is a really beautiful river that's probably around two miles from my house. It sounds really great to spend the afternoon up there, reading and writing. We'll see. But in any case, it feels so good to not be in school right now. One thing is for sure...I'll be singing Honduras fight songs all day! Vamos vamos todos!

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