Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Home

In Europe, Alex and I always talked about how we wanted to just know Spanish without having to learn it. We also talked about how we wanted to know all sorts of facts about history, without having to study. We just wanted the information to be in our heads without having to do anything to get it there.

Well, I felt the same way about moving up the mountains. I really wanted to be living up in the mountains, but I didn't want to go through the hassle of moving all of my stuff. Yesterday, though, something awesome happened! The principal of my school took his truck to my house during the school day, piled all my stuff in it, and brought it up the mountain for me, so I didn't have to do anything at all! It was pretty awesome, and so last night, without any trouble, I spent my first night in my own house in the mountains.

My house is pretty hilarious, and anyone who knows me would laugh if they saw it. As you can see in the pictures, the house consists of three rooms which all lead onto the front porch. My room is very tiny, and the bathroom (more specifically, the toilet) is the first thing you see when you open the door. I'm going to have to buy some curtains. I don't have a mirror, and my shower is a pipe. I also can't get into the kitchen yet because it's not finished at all. I have a teeny shelf for my clothes, and that's about it. But I love it. It's all mine. I have never had a house before, and I am already loving how it feels to just have my own place. The neighbors are so sweet, a couple of them came over yesterday just to welcome me and ask me if I needed anything. The man who walked us up the mountain a couple weeks ago, Don Luis, saw me struggling with the gate for two seconds and he came running up to my house to show me how to work it. It's a really lovely community with amazing people, and I am so excited to be living there!

Here are some photos!

My room:

The magnificent view from my backyard:

A banana tree right next to my fence:

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