Saturday, October 3, 2009


A cow chased me down the road today.

I'm spending the weekend in Villa Verde again because Jacki and I think it would be really fun to go hiking every weekend. After all, she (and soon I) have a national park in the backyard! So we're going hiking tomorrow, but today we decided to come to town and buy some food and go to the bank. We headed out this morning to walk the five miles (we could have taken the faster way and called a mototaxi, but it's so beautiful here in Honduras!) and we started off. So Jacki and I were just walking along on the dirt road with two stone walls on either side, and all of a sudden we saw this brown cow poke its head out from around a corner.

We ignored it and kept walking, but then to our surprise and discomfort, the cow mooed really loudly and started following us! Then it picked up its speed to a jog. I didn't even know that cows could jog. But the stupid cow was chasing us down the road, and we were really scared! We were trying to not turn around too much and to just walk quickly and get away from it, but the cow was straight up chasing us down the road. Now, this wasn't a bull. It didn't have any horns- in fact, it had a huge udder and looked like it needed to be milked. We had no idea what to do, we weren't even sure what kind of damage a cow could do to us! I mean, could a cow attack me? Cows are big animals! We were holding hands and were genuinely scared because there was just nowhere for us to go...there were literally stone walls on either side of us. We were trying to come up with a plan for how to escape the cow. Finally, we saw some little old Honduran ladies with a child walking ahead of us, and we sped up to reach them and Jacki yelled out, "Ayudanos!!" (help us!!) We kind of jogged over to the ladies, leaving the cow behind, and they just looked at us, really puzzled. The cow turned around and trotted back up the mountain.

So we escaped, narrowly. I can honestly say I will never see or walk past a cow the same way again!

I'm loving my weekend in Villa Verde. The lady that is remodeling my house says that it will be done by the end of next week!!! I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. ok you just had me cracking up over here with your cow story. i love you and your blog.
