Saturday, November 21, 2009


I'm currently sitting at the hotel where we all come to get free internet. We also often eat at the restaurant here, because even though the food is overpriced, it's also good and convenient. So I ate my truly delicious chicken sandwich with platanos, and I was just sitting here, enjoying my internet access, when all of a sudden we heard a really loud squawk come from the kitchen. Then a lady came running out, clutching a black bag. There was no doubt in any of our minds as to what had just happened... they definitely killed a chicken in the kitchen of the restaurant. ick ick ick ick ick... I have so many mixed feelings. The most overwhelming one is that I'm happy I already ate. I'm also seriously reconsidering vegetarianism (I lasted a year the first time, I could do it again!) and I'm also pretty grossed out that 1) there was a chicken chilling in the kitchen of the restaurant and 2) they killed it in there. ick ick ick!

We are currently trying to convince the school administration to give us two extra days of school off before winter break. That would allow me to come home almost a week early. I found out that I can change my plane ticket for free, and I am just really, really anxious to get home and see my family. A year is a really long time to be out of the country, and while I don't exactly feel homesick, I do feel very excited to be home. I miss my mom and dad and brothers so much. I miss water from the fridge and warm houses and consistent internet and speaking english. And while a week might not sound like a lot, it feels like a huge difference to me. I could spend the christmas season with Riory! I really hope it works out.

1 comment:

  1. ive been vegetarian almost 14 years now...its not so hard...
