Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Why can’t I travel without someone stealing my money? In Europe, Brian Cole duped Alex and me, had us thinking he was a nice English renter when in reality he was a big fat thief. Now, someone at my school is stealing my money straight out of my wallet. I noticed last week that I had 500 lempiras missing from my wallet. It just wasn’t there. 500 lempiras is the equivalent to about $25.00. So, it’s not an obscene amount of money, but a guy in Mexico hijacked my bank card number last month, so I had to cancel the card and I no longer have access to my money at home. $25.00 isn’t a ton of money, but it goes a long way here. And since I only have access to my Honduran bank account, 500 lempiras really is quite a chunk.

Anyway, after my money went missing, I wrote how much I had in my wallet on a small piece of paper to prevent any confusion in the future. I updated that paper on Monday. Then, yesterday, I realized that I was 100 lempiras short of what I had written on my paper. Someone straight up went into my bookbag and into my wallet, during the school day, to steal my money. The same thing happened to another girl at the school- she also realized that she was missing 500 lempiras from her wallet.

I’m pretty sure I know who it is, but situations like these are so difficult. What if I’m wrong, and it’s not the person I think it is? That’s a big accusation to make. I really don’t think it’s any of the students—they can’t unlock my door. I want to catch the lady who I think is doing it in action, but I have no idea how to do that. I tried to be nice, and just say to myself, “well, at the end of the day it’s only $30, and I’m sure she needs the money more than I do.” But after I found out that another teacher had also been robbed…well, it really creeps me out. I feel like I can't leave anything in my classroom now, and I have no idea what to do about it. I talked to the school administrators and their answer was to tell me to "keep the door locked." Does anyone have any good ideas about how to catch a thief in action?


  1. Put knives and razorblades in your bag so they cut her hands. Just don't forget...

  2. put a nanny cam in one of the toys or something...
