Monday, November 30, 2009

Homestretch until Christmas

Well, we didn't go to Tegucigalpa but we had a really fun, really delicious weekend! We spent no less than seven hours on the internet on Saturday. Let me say that we don't get internet that often. Usually I'm able to get online twice a week, and usually it's an extremely slow connection. So this weekend I was able to spend a bunch of time online and connect with my family and friends. I'm not able to keep up with many people while I'm here, so I really cherished the opportunity to talk to everyone.

Now, I know for most people, a long list of the meals they ate over the weekend wouldn't make for very good blog substance. However, when you live in Honduras and live mostly on beans and tortillas, a list of weekend meals is worth writing about. So this weekend we made... corn dogs, onion rings, green bean casserole, balleadas, quiche, french fries, cookies, and chili. Yeah... yum.

So we ate a lot and laughed a lot and had a lot of fun up in the mountains. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow! But it's really cool to think that there are only two and a half weeks left until I get to go home for Christmas.

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