Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Almost thanksgiving

I cannot believe this, but in one month I'll be home. That's crazy to think about. We're given a pretty nice vacation- I'll be home from December 18th until January 3rd. I have no idea what that time will hold for me. I want to see friends and I'm kind of considering going to Ann Arbor, but I also really want to spend as much time as possible with my family. I might also not really want to navigate the snowy roads of the midwest after four months of not driving at all.

Before December 18th, I have a lot of fun stuff coming up! The school is giving us a Thanksgiving weekend in Tegucigalpa. I do not even know how to describe how excited I am about that weekend. They are driving us to Teguc (it's a really big deal for us that we don't have to take the chicken buses) and then they are putting us up in a hotel for the weekend and giving us a Thanksgiving dinner. They have also given us Monday off to travel back. It should be pretty exciting- that's the weekend of the elections, so the capital city is sure to be...hopping. We'll stay safe! (a.k.a far away from all government buildings) It's so nice to have plans for my first Thanksgiving away from home.

The week following Thanksgiving, we are putting on a Christmas show at the school. I am in charge of the second grade dance. I haven't actually seen the dance, but I think the whole thing will be pretty funny. We will probably be practicing a lot between Thanksgiving and December 9th. Then we have one more week of classes before going home! I think the time will fly- it always does.

I still adore it here. Every single day, the magnificence of where I live stuns me. Sometimes when I walk to school, I have to stop to look at the mountains, because I don't really know how to take in their beauty. I have never seen a night sky like we have here- it's like a planetarium. I can look at the sky and literally see galaxies. I just love it here. Even with everything-- my moldy house, lack of central heating and little to no TV and internet-- I am so, so happy.

That reminds me though. This weekend, our neighbors (who are Philippino missionaries) invited us to their house for lunch. It was so awesome! First, when we walked into their house, we were really stunned because they actually have a home. Whereas our houses are like porches with furniture, their house is an actual home! They have tiled floors (I'm so jealous) and curtains on their windows and couches and lots of rooms and a TV! Just for the sake of perspective- when I say "lots of rooms," I mean a small living room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms. Haha, anyway, so they invited us in, put on a movie-- "The Proposal"-- and fed us homemade pizza and homemade soy milk. It was such an amazing treat! Then I kind of had to laugh at myself... sitting in a house and eating pizza and watching a movie has never seemed like such a luxury.

That's probably what I'll end up spending my whole break doing...eating pizza and watching TV. Sounds amazing! :)

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