Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well....the beaches were incredible, the ocean water was warm, the hotel was nice (and air conditioned, and had TV), there were geckos everywhere, and the margaritas cost $3. Needless to say, it was a really amazing break!!! I have never been swimming in the Caribbean before, and the most striking element of the ocean to me was its temperature. It was just warm! Not the kind of temperature that starts out cool and then you get used to it and it feels was just warm water. We spent a lot of time in the sun, a lot of time at the bar, and a lot of time in the air conditioning. There were also no tourists there, so the beach was really quiet. And as always, the prices were insanely low! We had a blast, and it was so nice to get away from all the responsibilities of school.

Today, returning to school felt amazing because it's Wednesday already! I swear, I have never appreciated a four day weekend more than I did this past week. I have something else that I need to start thinking/worrying about now. I can't believe it, but I have to figure out what next year will bring for me. My plan has always been to work in Honduras for this year and during this fall (as in, right now) apply for law schools. I'm trying to apply for law schools, but it's incredibly difficult here. It's difficult because 1) I can't always load the LSAC website on this slow connection, 2) I don't have that much time to compose a meaningful personal statement, and 3) I don't really feel all that motivated to go sit in an office for the rest of my early/mid twenties when I could be working abroad. I feel extremely overwhelmed most of the time here...but I also really believe in what I'm doing. I love traveling, and there is an awful lot of the world that I haven't seen yet. I wish I didn't have to think about this right now! I feel like as soon as I begin something, I have to start planning what I want to do for the next year. I like the idea of law school (it fits my interests, and is a very practical choice)...but I also like the idea of living in Thailand, or India, or even another central American country (I've heard Costa Rica's incredible) and keep helping people this way. I know that eventually I have to settle down...but every time I look at the mountains here, I can't help but think that I'd be crazy to settle now.


  1. How set are you on practicing law? Have you worked in a law firm? What happens if you go to law school and find out you are miserable, or it is not what you thought it was? Meanwhile, you know you love traveling and that you want to do more. You also know you are doing good work. I am not at all trying to discourage you from going to law school, but it just seems like so many people go to law school because it seems like a logical next step. Law school will always be there. True you can always travel, but after law school the question will be what do I have to lose (mortgage, car payments, student loans, maybe a family) whereas now the question is what do I have to gain? (See your profile quote) Again, I'm not trying to discourage anything, but it just seems that right now you are really into travel and you are so free to do it!

  2. yeah... I don't know. I'm torn because I do love traveling, but I also like the idea of having an apartment and a real job and trying to be a real person with a career. Also, I feel like I need to start doing something. Traveling again for the next year feels...selfish
