Friday, September 4, 2009

End of week 2

Well, I ended the week feeling better about things. I have completed my lesson plans for the rest of the year. Yeah, the entire year. Today I couldn't stop thinking about how cute my students are. They are just so ridiculously cute. Even when they're being mischievous, or not listening or when they look at me with blank stares because they don't speak English, they are so cute. I think I am starting to catch on a little, in terms of managing children. I am starting to understand what they respond to, and they are getting used to me as well. We'll see what the next week brings. I think the next few months are going to bring a lot of ups and downs, but hopefully by the middle and end of the year, I'll be on the upswing.

I feel good because it's the weekend, I'm eating platanos, I'm going to San Pedro Sula with a bunch of cool people to watch a football game tomorrow, and a Honduran lady just told me I speak good Spanish (not true, but still nice to hear). Next weekend, for Honduras's independence day (aka a four day weekend), we are going to a Honduran beach!!! I bet it will be amazing.

Today I killed a cockroach in my room. Let me write that again: A cockroach. In my room. I killed it with my shoe and it left a pile of goo on the floor. I am getting to be so rugged! haha :)

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