Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Must get centered

I'm going zen. First, thank you for all the encouraging messages and emails that followed that last blog post. Yes I am struggling, but it's really helpful and wonderful to hear from the amazing people I have in my life. a miracle happened, and we got books!!! ahhhhh I have never appreciated workbooks so much in my life! That will make teaching so much easier. Third...I'm going to the Honduras football game this weekend in San Pedro Sula!! Should be ridiculously awesome. That means that I will have attended professional soccer games in four different countries, which I think is pretty sweet. And fourth...right now I'm drinking a beverage called "Licuado de frutas" (liquid fruits) that is literally made out of watermelon and ice, and it's so delicious.

I'm taking a step back from stressing, because I'm living in Honduras and in the scheme of things my life is good and beating myself up every night or allowing myself to go crazy won't do anyone any good. I will serve the students the best if I emit positive energy! Doing that will make me happier also. Like I said...I'm going zen and finding my center. Big breath in, big breath out. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts- you're so honest (brutally, when need me) and yet so balanced...I definitely get a boost from reading what you write, and some helpful reminders/inspirations as well:)
