Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still no school

Honduras isn't a great place to be living in right now. Our curfew was extended again last night, so classes were cancelled. However, they are allowing people to go outside between 10:30 and 4 today, so I came downtown. Unfortunately, downtown is insane. The hotel I usually get internet at is closed (I'm sitting outside of it right now, typing on the sidewalk), and I think everyone who lives here is trying to get errands done during those five and a half hours. There are guards with machine guns on every corner of our little city. It's ridiculous.

I'd like to make a retraction on a statement I made yesterday in my post. I said that people have died in the capital, but last night I found out that actually no one has reportedly been killed in Tegucigalpa yet (thank goodness, when things turn violent it will get really scary). I talked to several Hondurans yesterday, both on the phone and in person, and they all said that people were being killed. Those are the kinds of crazy rumors that get warped into facts when there's no official news and the government keeps everyone in the dark.

Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed off. I think this situation is being handled extremely poorly, I'm really annoyed that no one knows what the hell is going on, I hate that school is getting cancelled and I wish someone would step up and take a leadership position here! Come on!! Where's the media? Where is the order? Where is the president? Last night a spokesman for Micheletti came on the television. A spokesperson? They are calling this the biggest crisis Central America has faced in a decade, and a spokesperson comes on the television? Give me a break.

(Vote Kirsty McNamara, Honduras President '09)

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